Game Name Easter Hide and Seek
Category Hidden Objects
Game Tags Easter Hide and Seek,
Game Details

Easter is a colorful holiday because of all those Easter decorations and painted Easter eggs. Our homes seem to be painted in the colors of spring, and we all welcome these days with great joy in which, in addition to awakening nature, our spirit also awakens or perhaps resurrects. Children especially look forward to the Easter holiday precisely because of all those colorful bunnies, colorful egg competitions of who has the strongest egg, and other invented games that accompany the holiday. Donna and her daughter Dorothy especially enjoy when the Easter holiday comes. Ever since she was little, Donna has learned to play small games and puzzles during the holidays, and she has passed these customs on to her daughter. Dorothy likes this game and loves to search for the hidden objects her mother hid in the yard. This quest may take a long time, but Dorothy enjoys it all and can't wait to start exploring and finding the hidden objects.Let's see how the mother and daughter game unfolds and help Dorothy find the objects.


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