Game Name Schoolyard Adventure
Category Hidden Objects
Game Tags Schoolyard Adventure,
Game Details

Unfair games are everywhere and happen at every age. When children are young, some minor cheating means nothing, but in adults, cheating can cause serious problems. Cheating in class is one thing, but stealing from your classmate is something that can seriously disrupt things. On the one hand, we have the victim, the one who was damaged by someone or something, and the one who wants to get recognition thanks to someone else's work. This already sounds like a real crime, like a real theft. Well, that's exactly what happened in the school and for young Ashley. Namely, Kenneth and Lisa are upset because of what is happening to their best friend Ashley. Ashley had been working on her project for the end of the year for a long time and devoted herself to the subject with all her attention and interest, but one night someone entered the cabinet and stole the project.


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