Game Name Waiting Room Escape
Category Room Escape
Game Tags Waiting Room Escape,New Escape Game,
Game Details

Waiting Room Escape is point and click escape game from Ena Games. Imagine in this game you are a pensioner wo had been having serious pains in your lung for weeks. You had been treated in the hospital for days and had just been released home two days ago. When you woke up this morning you felt as if you were totally recuperated but the initial prosperity was interrupted soon. In the afternoon you started to cough frequently and the breathing was hard and painful. You picked up your phone and call for an ambulance. It took a couple of minutes until the first car was able to help you and you decided to go out and inhale a little fresh air until it arrived. Appallingly you found the entrance locked and the keys were not clung on the holder. Find hidden objects and solvee puzzles to escape. Good luck!


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